Living Donor Online Referral

Basic Demographics
Assigned Gender:
Donor Info
Do you wish to donate to:

Is the intended recipient a patient at LVHN Transplant?
What is your relationship with the intended recipient?
Have you ever used LVHN services?

Health Questions
Do you have any religious beliefs that might prevent you from receiving a blood transfusion?
Do you have any allergies to food or medications?
Do you have a history of asthma?
Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes?
Do you have a family history of diabetes (parents, siblings or grandparents)?
Do you have high blood pressure?
Have you ever been diagnosed with kidney stones?
Do you have a history of cancer?
Do you take any prescribed medications?
Have you had abdominal surgery?
Have you ever been pregnant?
If yes, did you have Gestational Hypertension?
If yes, did you have Gestational Diabetes?
If yes, did you have Preeclampsia?
If yes, did you have Eclampsia?
Have you ever had a colonoscopy?
Have you ever had a mammogram?
Have you ever had a Pap smear?
Have you ever been diagnosed with COVID-19?
Have you ever been diagnosed with heart disease?
Have you ever been diagnosed with a psychiatric diagnosis or been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons?
Do you smoke cigarettes, vape, or use smokeless tobacco, now or in the past?
Do you use recreational drugs, including marijuana, now or in the past?
Do you drink alcohol, now or in the past?
Additional Demographics
Okay to mail to your address?